Help Cards: Weasley twins, Madam Pomfrey.ĬURRENT CHARACTER: You turn a corner and walk right into a thicket of Devil's Snare. Help Cards: Albus Dumbledore, Madam Pomfrey, Fawkes.ĬURRENT CHARACTER: Your sweets have been replaced by Puking Pastilles - and you've noticed too late. Help Cards: Lumos/Lumos Solem, Portkey.ĬURRENT CHARACTER: Your broom was cursed during Quidditch. Help Cards: Madam Pomfrey, Professor Snape.ĬURRENT CHARACTER: Someone's used a Deluminator nearby, trapping you in darkness. Help Cards: None.ĬURRENT CHARACTER: You find a baby Mandrake in your bag - which you've woken up. Help Cards: None.ĪLL CHARACTERS: Dementors have decended on the school. Help Cards: None.ĪLL CHARACTERS: Filch - in a fouler mood than usual - is coming round the corner. Help Cards: Rubeus Hagrid, Fawkes, Madam Pomfrey.ĪLL CHARACTERS: Dumbledore has left the castle, and you've got information about Death Eaters. Help Cards: Rubeus Hagrid, Invisibility Cloak, Fawkes.ĪLL CHARACTERS: Someone removed the belt around your copy of The Monster Book of Monsters it attacks you. Help Cards: Protego, Stupefy, Invisibility Cloak, Petrificus Totalus.ĪLL CHARACTERS: A young dragon loose in the castle sees you and breathes fire in your direction.

Help Cards: Professor McGonagall, Marauder's Map, Stupefy, Expelliarmus.ĪLL CHARACTERS: A bewitched classmate is about to cast an Unforgivable Curse at you. Help Cards: Marauder's Map, Invisibility Cloak, Albus Dumbledore.ĪLL CHARACTERS: Draco Malfoy and his cronies trap you to start a duel. Help Cards: Marauder's Map, Invisibility Cloak, Professor Snape.ĪLL CHARACTERS: Death Eater Lucius Malfoy is visiting his son Draco. Help Cards: Wingardium Leviosa, Marauder's Map, Broom, Petrificus Totalus.ĪLL CHARACTERS: A known werewolf prowls the halls. You can visit Dumbledore's office to look at any of the face down cards or make an accusation.ĪLL CHARACTERS: You encounter a fully-grown mountain troll loose in the castle. The help card will be an Ally, an Item or a Spell. If you land on a star space on the board, you can take a help card. The move/suggest portion is just like regular clue except that you can use an Alohomora Help Card to pass through closed doors. If all players run out of house points, the game is over and the Dark Forces have won and the missing student meets an unfortunate end.

Note, if you lose all of your house points, you must drop out of the game. When you have used a Help card or paid your house point penalty, continue to the "move" step. If you don't, you must pay the penalty by putting that many house points into the house points pile. If you have a Help Card that protects you, show it to the other players and then place it back in front of you. Lose 10 HP - Help Cards: Bezoar, Madam Pomfrey) (Example: Characters in Corridors - Someone has poisoned your butterbeer - you do not feel well. How you can protect yourself against the event. If the wheel shows the Dark Mark or if the Howgarts die shows the dark mark - take a card from the dark mark deck and read it aloud.Įach dark mark card describes an event likely to have been caused by Dark Forces and each card shows: Note, doors into rooms may open or close and secret passages may change when a wheel is turned. If the hogwart's die shows a house crest, turn the board's wheel in that corner of the board one notch clockwise. If the hogwart's die shows a star, take a help card. On your turn, roll the two regular dice and one Hogwarts die. The player whose birthday is next goes first. Any extra cards are placed in Dumbledore's office. Separate the suspect (the villians, not the players)/item/location cards and put one of each in the solution envelope. Players play the remaining characters.Įach player starts with a certain number of house points based on the total number players in the game. The LOCATIONS: Great Hall, Hospital Wing, Room of Requirement, Potions Classroom, Trophy Room, Divination Classroom, Owlery, Library, Defense Against Dark Artsġ of the six Hogwarts Heros (Harry, Ron, Hermoine, Luna, Neville, Ginny) is removed from the deck as the one fallen prey to the dark magic and is missing somewhere in Hogwarts.